Board Members Present: Jay Sourbeer, President Rolfe Hunt, Vice President
Jim Snider, Director Gus Martell, Director
Jeff Storey, Director George McNitt, Treasurer
Dina Brown, Secretary
Minutes of Meetings
The Glades Homeowner’s Association held a Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, September 21, 2017 at 6:30 PM, Central Time at the Gulf Coast Baptist Church, located 10620 Hutchinson Blvd., Panama City Beach, FL 32407. Twelve owners were in the audience.
Opening Remarks
Jay Sourbeer called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM and welcomed those in attendance.
Quorum was attained with five voting board members present.
Gus Martell motioned to approve the July 27, 2017 meeting minutes. Jim Snider seconded motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Gus Martell motioned to approve the August 17, 2017 meeting minutes. Jim Snider seconded motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Jay Sourbeer received numerous questions via Facebook during Hurricane Irma regarding Storm Shutters. He invited Jane Brannon of Brannon Aluminum Inc to showcase the different options available. Mrs. Brannon gave a demonstration of the different types of products available and left brochures for those interested. Brannon Aluminum, Inc- (850) 238-9030
Old Business:
Jay Sourbeer recapped on the development of the good portion of the Golf Course. The zoning was approved and the plans have been submitted to the City Council for approval.
Jay Sourbeer recalled the lack of support shown for those interested in gating the community. For this item to be brought back to the Board it would need proof that there is more community support.
Jay Sourbeer mentioned that he had received a call from the current Vice President of Terre Verde. They had approached him in regards to Terre Verde becoming a part of the Glades community. Due to the fact that their fees are much higher and that there was little benefit to The Glades. The Board discussed and respectfully declined the offer.
Jay Sourbeer thanked John Jones on his investigative work on the placement of sidewalks in the community. Mr. John Jones stated that the Safe Schools Grant would be very difficult to obtain. He requested the group the Board had approved to investigate sidewalks be disbanded by the Board. Tom Easter recommended the Board send a letter to the Mayor requesting that the City install sidewalks from Hombre Circle to South Glades Trail. Jim Snider stated he would approach the Mayor requesting such. The questions on Facebook was very broad and received 25 votes against sidewalks and 19 votes for. Shelly Sourbeer stated she would restate the question with the proposed sidewalk area to only be from Hombre Circle south. John Jones withdrew his request to disband the sidewalk group and will continue assisting with this effort.
Board and Support Staff Reports
Treasurer’s Report
George McNitt reported on the association’s YTD revenue and expenses. As of September 14, 2017 the operating balance is $43,226.62 and a reserve balance of $65,015.22. The total amount in the bank is $108,241.84.
George McNitt questioned the 2018 funding for the website and recreation. Jeff Storey stated he may have a source for a new, less expensive, website. He would gather the information and bring it to the next meeting. Discussion was held regarding the recreation fund with the determination that the Board would look into a community event, possibly at the Hombre Clubhouse, but that the community funds would not be used for block parties. A recommendation from the audience was made to create a social committee. Shelly Sourbeer stated she would post this on Facebook and see if anyone was interested in serving on the Committee.
George McNitt mentioned that the Glades Directory is ready to go to the printer. Shelly Sourbeer stated she would post this on Facebook and ask resident to check the current directory and notify George if their number has changed.
Gus Martell motioned to approve receipt of the Treasurers report. Jay Sourbeer seconded. Motion approved unanimously.
Repair and Maintenance Report
Gus Martell reported that work he had recently placed carp fish in some of the ponds after receiving proper authorization. He also reported that he had repaired the electric at the entrance that was damaged by a vehicle.
He requested funding to complete the landscaping at the Golf Course entrance, for ten new “No Dumping” signs and to purchase 3 new flags. Jeff Storey made a motion to approve the funding of these items. Rolfe Hunt seconded the motion. Motion approved unanimously.
Owner – Board Communications Report
Jeff Story reported that Facebook now has 106 members and still growing. The signs recommending that people sign on to Facebook are still out and seem to be working. He reported that this will probably reduce the amount needed in the 2018 budget for newsletter printing and postage. He stated that there is a lot of chatter and contributions and it is a great vehicle to get the word out in a timely manner about community happenings.
Public Relations
No report in Trisha McGrath’s absence.
Environmental Report
Jim Snider reported that things are going well. There has been a slight issue with the influx of renters. Owners need to be certain to provide the renters with the rules and regulations. He has contacted numerous rental agencies that have been assisting him responding to complaints and communicating with renters.
Jim Snider reminded all that there are no chain link fences permitted and fences must be over 6ft tall. All fences require prior approval before installation even if the meet the above criteria.
New Business
Gus Martell requested someone contact the City about the two areas with no houses where trees and bushes have grown almost into the street. Tom Easter volunteered to bring this to Paul Casto, City of Panama City Beach Public Works Director.
Jay Sourbeer brought up the upcoming November elections and the possibility of allowing political signs during this time. Discussion on this with the consensus being to leave the rule as it is and to continue enforcement of the current sign policy.
Gus Martell commented that he had received council from the attorney regarding the language on the Bay Landscape contract and will be bidding out as necessary should the need arise.
Gus Martell motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:04 pm. Motion seconded by Jeff Storey. Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes prepared by: Dina Brown LCAM, CMCA, Secretary
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