The Glades
- Purpose of regulation of yard sales within the Glades:
The purpose of this regulation is to provide a way for residents to hold a yard sale within established rules while protecting all community interests, including the interests of those holding the sale.
- Reasons for regulation of yard sales within the Glades:
Our streets and properties have minimal space for additional parking and traffic. Lawns and other property have been damaged by people attempting to park at yard sales. Traffic has been disrupted and blocked since parking on the street is often the only option. Homeowner access to their properties has been disrupted. Deliveries and services to homes and lawns have been disrupted because service vehicles could not enter, park, or exit. The existing rule that prohibits operating a business from a home might sometimes be broken with frequent sales and sale of goods specifically purchased or otherwise collected for sale. The existing rule that prohibits creating a nuisance is cited by residents disrupted by yard sales.
- Scope:
This regulation applies to the sale of goods and materials of any type.
It applies to all owners, renters, residents, guests, visitors, sellers, buyers and potential buyers or any other persons related to the sale. It applies to all properties (homes and lots) subject to payment of fees to the Glades Owners Association as well as to common areas and streets.
It applies to all activities commonly known as yard sales, garage sales, estate sales, moving sales, and any other manner of sale of goods from properties and areas listed above.
- Goods eligible for sale
The purpose of approving a Yard Sale is to allow a homeowner or renter to sell goods belonging to and used by the person, family, or household that are no longer needed or wanted. Materials purchased for sale, collected from outside the home for sale, or otherwise having the nature of acquiring goods for the sale are prohibited under this rule and possibly also the bylaw prohibiting running a business from a Glades home.
- Permit required:
An Application for Yard Sale Permit must be submitted to the Glades Environmental Committee at least ten calendar days prior to the date requested for the sale. The Environmental Committee must approve or deny the request within five days after receiving the request. Denial of a request must include reason(s) for denial. A denial may be appealed like any other action of the Environmental Committee.
- Permit Approval:
Permits will normally be approved if the requested location meets the requirements for frequency of sales and coordination of multiple sales and the location of sale, under current owner, does not have a history of noncompliance with the Glades Yard Sale Rules.
- Frequency of sales
A maximum of two permits will be approved for an address each calendar year. Approval is for either a one-day or two-day sale. Sales at a given address will not be approved to occur closer together than ninety days.
- Coordination of multiple sales on the same day
Sales will not be approved for a requested date if another sale is already approved for that date on the same street or an adjoining street within 500 feet driveway centerline to driveway centerline along the path of the roadway. If other special situations exist that in the judgment of the Environmental Committee pose a hazard due to locations of proposed same day sales, approval of some or all of the later requests may be denied.
- Exceptions to the Rules in Sections 7 and 8:
At the discretion of the Environmental Committee, for special situations that cause a household to be moved or dissolved, resulting in disposition of significant goods and assets, a sale may be approved for a length of more than one day or a sale frequency shorter than ninety days. Specific terms are to be agreed between the Environmental Committee and the Responsible Applicant, written and signed by both parties. Copies of the agreement must be provided to the Association President and Treasurer immediately on signing or soon thereafter but in all cases at least one week prior to the sale.
- Time of sale
Yard sales are permitted from 8:00 AM until 2:00 PM. Setup and cleanup may occur outside these times but cleanup should be complete no later than 4:00 PM. Early shoppers should be discouraged and should not be served before 8:00 AM.
- Multiple Family Sales (meaning multiple families conducting one sale at one address)
Multiple family sales may be considered by the Environmental Committee with an eye toward keeping the size reasonable related to space by the available for parking and traffic flow. A responsible party from each participating family or household will submit an application. Each family participating in a multiple family sale will use one of their two maximum sales per calendar year. The term family is used broadly to include those associated with and living together in a home eligible to hold a Glades yard sale.
- Notice of scheduled sale
Three approved Yard Sale signs, advertising the street on which the sale is located, will be provided to the Applicant by the Environmental Control Committee. Those signs are to be placed at each of the three entrances into the Glades no earlier than two days prior to the sale date(s). Those same signs are to be removed from each entrance no later than the evening of the last day of the sale and returned to the Environmental Control Committee. On the day of sale, the approved permit must be displayed prominently at the sale location while the sale is in progress.
- Parking
The responsible person who applied for a yard sale permit and was granted approval is responsible for enforcing the following rules: No parking on anyone’s grass. Park on one side of the street only, the side where the sale is being held. Do not block any driveway or fire hydrant.
- Indemnify and Hold Harmless the Glades Owners Association
The Glades Application to hold a sale requires that the applicant indemnifies and holds harmless the Glade’s Owners Association, Inc. and its officers, agents, and homeowners (other than the applicant) against any claims, loss, injury, non-payment, insufficient payment, misrepresentation, or other damage that may arise from the sale process (application, planning for, setting up, carrying out, moving, storing, shipping, loading, and cleaning up after the sale). The sale is between buyer and seller.
- Insurance:
Through the Applicant/Seller’s homeowners insurance or other forms of personal insurance, he or she is responsible for any claims that arise from the sale process. The Glades Owners Association, Inc. provides no insurance to cover this activity.
- Security:
The Glades Owners Association, Inc. is not responsible for security related to sales. Any needs related to safety, security, traffic control, or people control is the responsibility of the applicant/seller